Once Golf Deputy is installed and activated on your WordPress golf tournament website, there are four main areas and one optional area you should complete before your tournament. All of these areas can be found under the “Golf Deputy” menu within your Admin area.

Add New Golf Course


The “Add New Course: area allows you to define the golf course your tournament will be held on. These figures are used to calculate the “against par” score on stroke formats and are helpful to display on all formats.

  • The “Course Information” area provides basic information about the course you will play on.
  • The “Hole Information” area allows you to give a tee name, hole distance/yardage and par.

Add New Tournament: Tournament Information Area


The Tournament Information area allows you to input vital information for your golf tournament:

  • The “Tournament PIN” is what your golfers will be required to enter to gain access to score their matchup(s).
  • The “Golf Course” is where your tournament will be played and will be a dropdown of the courses you have created from the “Add New Course” area above.
  • Scoring System” allows you to choose either match play or stroke.
  • Scoring Type” lets you pick which format to score with: individual or team.
  • The “Leaderboard Shortcode” (which will display after your first save a draft or publish your tournament) is the shortcode that can be placed anywhere on your website to display the current leaderboard for your tournament

Import Player Data (CSV)

The “Import CSV” allows you to import a CSV of player(s) and their round data (round #, win points). To activate the “Import” button, you must first either Save A Draft of your tournament, or Publish it. Until then, the “Import” button will be disabled:


Once the tournament is saved, the “Import” button will be enabled:


A sample CSV file has been provided in your Golf Deputy plugin directory, named “sample-import.csv”. It is highly recommended that you use this CSV as a starting point for your data import.

Player and Rounds Area

Golf Deputy: Player Information
* this screenshot shows the “Match Play” format being used. If you are running a stroke tournament, the “Team 2 Players” column will be hidden, and you are only required to input Player or Team names.

The Rounds Area allows you to input each round’s matchups / players and win points for that round:

  • “Team 1 Players” and “Team 2 Players” are listed as they are matched up; i.e. slot #1 on Team 1 plays slot #1 on Team 2. (Match Play Only; “Team 2 Players” will be hidden for Stroke Play).
  • You can add players, add rounds and remove both as needed.
  • The “Win Points” is what is given for each matchup win in the tournament calculations (Match Play only).

Sponsors Area

Golf Deputy: Sponsors

The Sponsors Area allows you to add hole sponsors for each hole of your tournament. Most image types are supported (e.g. JPG, PNG, GIF) and it is recommended that all of the sponsor images be the same pixel size. To appear nicely on desktop and mobile devices, 750 x 350 is a good size to start with.

These sponsor images will appear at the top of the scoring board for each hole, when your golfers log their scores:
Golf Deputy: Sponsors Example

Settings Page

Golf Deputy: Settings

The Settings page allows you to change the colours for your two teams (Match Play) or the “under par” colour (Stroke Play). These colours are displayed on the live leaderboard. It also allows developers to add their own custom CSS to the Golf Deputy plugin.